Html Meta Tags to Get More Visitors / Site Traffic

Meta tag are tags which tell search engines to tell that what this website has…like keywords, contents, author, when to re-visit…etc. Meta tags for keywords will drive a lot of traffic to your website. It can be added to your blog also. It’s my personal experience. In olden times, when I started blogging I have only about 20 visitors per day. But after using Meta tags I have 120 visitors per day. My page ranking increased too. Now you may have got how much powerful and useful is Meta tag for increasing site traffic/visitors. The popular Meta tag is keyword
 Other meta tags are description, author robots, copyright ...etc KEYWORDS ARE ONLY KEYWORDS AND NOT PARAGRAPHS. For example keywords for this post are: html, code, meta tags, creator, increase page, rank,increase visitors, site traffic.
Here is the Meta tag creator. Copy the code to your website/blog. 
  • In Blogger go to Layout => Edit HTML 
  • Paste these code just above </head>

<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="keyword 1,keyword 2,keyword3,etc"/>
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="...summary of web page..."/>
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="your name ex:Gijo Varghese"/>
<META NAME="COPYRIGHT" CONTENT="&copy; 2012 modifymypc"/>

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